If you’re in online marketing, you know marketers constantly rip off each other.
Once an idea or a marketing strategy makes money in one market, competitors swarm to replicate the idea and implement it for themselves—the zero-sum game called “Funnel Hacking”.
In this episode, you’ll learn why most funnel hackers aren’t successful (at least in the long-term) and how to funnel hack without being a thief.
Show highlights include:
- Creating all your marketing and tech is a waste of time if you don’t answer this question first. (starts at 2:00)
- The difference between funnel hacking and marketing (they’re not the same). (4:35)
- Why “funnel bandits” are hard to spot—and the secret sauce they’d need for long-term success. (5:05)
- The story of the worst funnel hack of all time. (6:30)
- How to build a predictable marketing machine. (9:05)
- The big problem with low-ticket funnels. (10:00)
- What to do in crowded markets where everyone screams “I’m the best!” (12:30).
- A game-changing book recommendation to transform your perspective on marketing. (13:00)
- What to wait for before you build follow-up systems, chatbots, autoresponders etc. (17:00)
- 8 software solutions to build your predictable marketing machine. (17:55)