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Where do you go for validation?

We all love to feel validated, right? 

We want to hear that we’re smart, successful and on the right track…

That’s normal, but you have to be careful about WHO you go to for validation.

I’ll tell you who the most important person to go to for validation is soon – but let me share a quick story about a big-headed guy who tried to ruin my business…

See, I used to go to a lot of masterminds each year. 

They were a great place to share ideas, get feedback and surround yourself with A-players…

You’d think that everyone at these masterminds would be genuine masters at their crafts who shared helpful advice…but I quickly discovered that not everyone was…

I was discussing a business plan with a group of people at one of these events when I distinctly remember one guy who approached me…

I was hoping to share my ideas and get meaningful tips to improve my business – but this joker had other ideas. 

After listening to my offer, he started publicly belittling me. 

Letting his ego do all the talking…

Now, I’m usually a pretty patient guy – but I couldn't let this dude sh*t all over me.

So I essentially told him to shut his mouth…cuz he wasn’t helping anyone…

Then he went on to tell me in an abundance of confidence, “you’ll be out of business within the year”…

Well, jokes on him. I ignored his egotistical ‘advice’ and went on to generate a million bucks from this idea.

This brings me back to my main point – you’ve got to be careful about WHO you go to for validation.

And many times, the most important person you should seek validation from is yourself. 

Yep, call it your gut, intuition or whatever you want, but you’ve got the experience and wisdom to make your own great decisions.  

I’m not saying to never seek advice or wisdom…hell, I even ran that idea by my mentor at the time and he said I should 100% roll with it

But never blindly trust the advice or perspective of outsiders who you haven’t vetted or know you can trust. 

Hope that helps. 

And I hope that I’ve proven to be a vetted and trustworthy source or perspective for you.