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Should you ”love” your business?

Someone asked me a surprising question the other day.

“Do I love my business?”

That threw me for a loop…because it felt like the answer should be. “YES!”…

But I quickly realized that I don't “love” my business.

Yes, I enjoy it and the things I do with it…

But it’s not my passion in life.

That might be relieving to you.

Because many times we’re told to build a business around our passions…

We’re told that we should be obsessed with our business…

Fall in love with the game of growing our business…

But I think that’s horrible advice.

Think about it like this…

If someone lives hours from the beach and it’s their favorite place to go – they might dream of moving there one day…

But what happens to many people when they do make the move is they stop going to the beach…

Because they’re there all the time now, it’s become ordinary. Maybe even boring.

So instead of building my business around my passions, I focus on this instead…

Does the business allow me to live the lifestyle that I want?

More importantly, does it allow me to follow my passions outside of work?

I’m fired about helping entrepreneurs dial in their marketing, clarify their offers and enjoy more time for themselves…

But I’m also very passionate about my family, coaching youth sports and helping my community.

So I’ve intentionally built a business that serves me and supports the passions that I have…

Instead of building it around them.

So how about you – does your business serve your passions?

Or is it competing with them?

Like I said, I’ve spent millions of dollars and over ten years of my life unlocking the keys to building automated businesses that serve me and free up my time for what matters most.