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Mine your own business!

Do you suffer from shiny object syndrome? 

Defined as: “A continual state of distraction brought on by an ongoing belief that there is something new worth pursuing.”

As a rule – we entrepreneurs are obsessed with the new and shiny.

Always on the hunt for new tools, strategies, gurus, systems or opportunities that will make us more money faster.

It’s what makes us so successful…sometimes.

But other times, it’s the thing that cripples our business. 

Let me explain.

I see two scenarios when entrepreneurs are trying something new.

  1. They already have a solid business or they're desperate for a breakthrough, so they take a risk on something new. This is generally a good thing that can result in massive new growth.
  1. They are bored with their business or confused about how to grow it, so they waste time and money buying up every shiny new product or tool they can get their hands on. This is generally not a good thing and will result in sluggish growth.

There’s a saying I’ve started to live by – and it's saved me from a lot of pain and distraction. 

Mine your own business.

Yes, MINE.

Mine your business for unactivated leads

Mine your business for hidden profit opportunities.

Mine your business for small levers that will swing open massive doors.

You likely have six or seven figures of unrealized profit sitting dormant in your business – all you need to do is expose it.